
Showing posts from May, 2024

Course Reflection & Feedback

     I loved this class! It really gave me a very diverse background in all of the google applications. My favorite to learn had to be calendar and task application. These are going to be very useful, especially when I start organizing my own business. I would say that the one application that surprised me was google keep. I had no idea they offered something like that, and it is super useful especially when you want to transfer information between different devices. I also personally loved learning all of the different formulas and charts that you can curate with google sheets. There was so many different things that you can create with google sheets. It's a very complex application.       Going forward I am going to use my knowledge with these applications to start up my own business and maintain professional etiquette with my clients. I am going to be mostly using the calendar, Gmail, and task apps. However, I do plan to use sheets and docs to manage my internal organization wit

There will always be a wave to ride

  Everyone is going through their own struggles, even though most of us may not look like it, we are. Whether it is stress or conflict on our personal lives, work lives, school lives, we all have challenges that we go through on the daily. Mentally, we need to find time to de-stress and forget about all of our worries. These can be very daunting on a person when they are constantly running through their mind, therefore, having a good support system is key. Being able to have people that you can rely on is very important. Also, being very busy and not having time to even think abt it the slightest bit. Personally, what I like to do is go on nature walks. Nothing around my neighborhood, because that has too many distractions. However, a large park, a place with a lake, or somewhere on the outskirts that resembles more of something that you would find in nature. I love smelling the plants, feeling the wind, and seeing all the little animals that are scurrying around. It really relaxes the